Saturday, 10 September 2016

Newsletter 2016_32

The Church of England in
Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness

Weekly Bulletin

Find some space in your life
Taize Service and Meditation.
Sunday evening 6.00pm
at St John the Evangelist Church Otterburn  
(service lasts about half an hour)
Prayer is sitting in the silence
until it silences us
(Fr. Richard Rohr SSF)

Sunday 11th September 2016
(Trinity 16)
9.00 am: Parish Communion, Holy Trinity, Horsley
11.00 am: BCP Parish Communion, St Cuthbert, Elsdon
6.00 pm: Taize Evening Prayer and Meditation

Wednesday 14th September
10.00 am Holy Communion, St John the Evangelist
(Holy Cross Day)

Wednesdays 5-6pm
From 14th September (during school term)
St. John's Church Otterburn.

Lisa Murray 07879 992175 or Mari Mander 01830 520212


Sunday 18th September 2016
(Trinity 17)
9.00 am: Parish Communion, St Francis Byrness
11.00 am: Parish Communion, St John the Evangelist Otterburn

Bishop Frank’s
farewell service

Sunday 18th September
2.30 at St Nicholas Cathedral, Newcastle
All welcome

Upper Redesdale Show
24th September 2016
10.00am - 5.00pm

Beer Tent, Sheepdog Trials, Industrial Classes, Terriers, Hounds, Pony Sports, Children’s Classes, Sheep Dogs, Fell Racing much more for all the family to enjoy.

Saturday 24th September 9.30am-1.00pm
Open Synod
“Walking with St Aidan”

NCEA Josephine Butler Campus Ashington
Aidan came to Northumbria at the bidding of King Oswald as a pioneer of Christian mission. He walked the land and talked about Christ with everyone he met, above all he loved the people. Over the past year many of us have become more and more inspired by his example. We have come to understand that today, perhaps more than ever, we need to find a new missionary zeal, a fresh energy to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God here in our diocese, our neighbourhoods and communities. We need to support each other in finding God at work amongst us in the daily lives of all we meet. The Companions of Aidan is an embryonic support network, a community of missioners, walking together in the way of Aidan.

If you are intrigued and inspired by the possibilities of discovering more about The Companions of St Aidan, then join us at NCEA Josephine Butler Campus in Ashington on Saturday 24th September 9.30- 1.00pm.

To register your attendance, please contact Carol Hepple on 0191 270 4120 or e-mail

At the Synod we plan to:
·       Introduce you to the Companions of St Aidan, explore its purpose and values and aspirations
·       Tap into the spirit of St Aidan and explore his relevance for the current age
·       Share and discover more about how we believe God is calling us to participate in his Kingdom work
·       Explore what would be involved in becoming  a Companion of St Aidan and adopting the Rule of Life

Horsley Organ Heritage Open Day


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