Saturday, 2 April 2016

Newsletter 2016_12

Redesdale Rites
The Church of England in Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness
Sunday 3rd April 2016

Sunday Services
(Easter 1)
At both services there is an opportunity to renew our Baptismal Vows
9.30 am: Parish Communion at St Francis, Byrness
11.00 am:  Parish Communion at St John the Evangelist, Otterburn
6.00 pm: Joint Team Evensong at St Cuthbert, Bellingham
The bible readings for Holy Communion are:
Acts 5.27-32,  Revelation 1.4-8,  John 20.19-31

Monday 4th April
7.30 pm: Meeting of E.P.I.C Group at Elsdon Village Hall to begin planning for the Summer Fair

Tuesday 5th April
7.30 pm: Otterburn Parish Council meet in Otterburn Memorial Hall

Wednesday 6th April
10.00 am: Holy Communion at St John the Evangelist, Otterburn

Friday 8th April
7.30 pm: Redesdale Society meet in Otterburn Memorial Hall.
There will be an illustrated talk on Islamic Architecture.
New members always welcome.

Mexican ‘Food Evening’ at Otterburn Sports Centre. Bar opens at 5.30 pm. Booking is essential - call Yvonne on either  07401 331213 or 07935 950113.
All for £6.50

Sunday 10th April
9.00 am:  Parish Communion at Holy Trinity, Horsley
11.00 am: Parish Communion at St Cuthbert’s Elsdon
(Book of Common Prayer Liturgy)
2.30 pm: Daffodil Tea, in aid of Corsenside Churches, at High Leam, West Woodburn
6.00 pm: Taize Evening Prayer and Meditation at St John’s, Otterburn


Thanks to all who helped and all who came along to St Cuthbert’s Coffee Morning at Elsdon on Saturday morning. We enjoyed each other’s company  and £440 was raised for church funds.
(Elsdon folk appreciated the support  of those who came from Otterburn.)


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