Saturday, 26 March 2016

Newsletter 2016_11

Redesdale Rites
The Church of England in Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness
27th March 2016

Services on Easter Sunday
At both services there is an opportunity to renew our Baptismal Vows
9.30 am: Parish Communion at Holy Trinity, Horsley
11.00 am:  Parish Communion at St Cuthbert’s Elsdon
The bible readings are: Isaiah 65.17-25,  Acts 10.34-43, Luke 24.1-12

Wednesday 30th March
10.00 am: Holy Communion with prayer for healing at St John the Evangelist, Otterburn

Saturday 2nd April
10.30 am: ‘Coffee Morning’ in aid of St Cuthbert’s Elsdon
- at Elsdon Memorial Hall.
All welcome.

Sunday 3rd April
9.00 am - Parish Communion at St Francis, Byrness
11.00 am - Parish Communion at St John the Evangelist, Otterburn


Holy Week and Good Friday were marked by services in all of the churches in Upper Redesdale, setting the context for Easter Sunday and the celebration of the resurrection.
On Wednesday St John’s children's group ‘Otters’ enjoyed making this Easter Garden.

Bishop Frank
Those who attended the annual service of Renewal of Vows at the Cathedral last Thursday were given the news that Frank, Assistant Bishop of Newcastle is due to retire at the end of September. His ministry has been much appreciated throughout the diocese especially during his time as acting Bishop. There will be a special service to mark his retirement - details later.


Bishop’s Presidential Address

Bishop Christine recently gave an address to an open meeting of the Diocesan Synod. Click the picture to hear what she said.

Two thoughts on the Resurrection

“Jesus's resurrection is the beginning of God's new project not to snatch people away from earth to heaven but to colonize earth with the life of heaven. That, after all, is what the Lord's Prayer is about.”

“Here the whole world (stars, water, air,
And field, and forest, as they were
Reflected in a single mind)
Like cast off clothes was left behind
In ashes, yet with hopes that she,
Re-born from holy poverty,
In lenten lands, hereafter may
Resume them on her Easter Day."

(Epitaph for Joy Davidman)”


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