Monday, 15 February 2016

Newsletter 2016_05

‘Redesdale Rites’
The Church of England in Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness
14th February 2016

  • Sunday Evening Meditation at St John's Otterburn, 6.00pm. Light a candle. Enjoy simple Taize songs, think about fasting for Lent and be still for  ten minutes of silence. A time of tranquility to recharge your batteries. Every second Sunday of the month.

  • Coming up: Prize Bingo at Otterburn Memorial Hall on Fri 26 Feb, 7 for 7.30 pm. All welcome

  • Have you been confirmed? Or do you know of anyone who might want to be? A Service of Confirmation is planned for May 15th. It is to be held at St John’s Otterburn but is for anyone in the Team Parish. There is no upper age limit and increasingly more mature people are asking about confirmation. I would be more than happy to have a chat with anyone who wants to find out more.


Sunday 14th February (LENT 1)
9.00 am    Parish Communion at Holy Trinity, Horsley
11.00 am  Parish Communion at St Cuthbert, Elsdon (Book of Common Prayer)
The bible readings are: Deuteronomy 26.1-11,  Romans 10.8b-13 and  Luke 4.1-13
6.00 pm:   Taize Evening Prayer and Meditation in the Church Room at St John’s Otterburn. Service last about half an hour, of which 10 minutes is spent in silent meditation and prayer. There is a short bible reading and reflection.

Sunday Evening Meditation at St John's Otterburn, 6.00pm. Light a candle. Enjoy simple Taize songs, a think abot fasting for Lent and ten minutes of stillness and silence. A time of tranquility to recharge your batteries. Every second Sunday of the month.

Monday 15th February
7.30 pm: Lent Course ‘Conversations around the Lord’s Prayer’. Session 1 ‘Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name’. In Otterburn Vicarage. All welcome. (See below for details.)

Wednesday 17th February
10.00 am: Holy Communion at St John the Evangelist, Otterburn
7.00 pm: Horsley with Byrness PCC meet in Rochester Memorial Hall

Thursday 18th February
7.00 pm: North Tyne and Redesdale Team Council Meeting at Reed Hall, Bellingham

Services next Sunday (21st  February)
9.00 am - Parish Communion at St Francis, Byrness
11.00 am - Parish Communion at St John’s Otterburn.

‘Conversations around the Lord’s Prayer’

Monday evenings during Lent.
(All sessions begin at 7.30 pm in Otterburn Vicarage)
15th February
‘Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name’
An invitation to discover our place in the universe
22nd February
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is heaven’
The Christian faith cannot be relegated to the realm of the spiritual or the margins of society.
29th February
Give us this day our daily bread
Just enough for each day, that others also may have enough
7th March
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
God’s grace to us and our obligation to others are inseparable
14th  March
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
Our choices are eternally significant, not just for ourselves but for the well being of creation
21st March
For thine is the kingdom, the power and glory, for ever and ever
The prayer concludes with ‘worship’, which in word and deed is the secret of true happiness.


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