Monday, 11 January 2016

Newsletter 2016_01

'Redesdale Rites'
Church of England in Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness
9 January 2016

Apologies for the lack of newsletter last week. I was going down with a chest infection but am hopefully recovering now, so belated good wishes for peace, health and happiness in 2016

I know it's perhaps a bit soon to mention this but Easter is early this year which means Lent begins on 10 February (Ash Wednesday). On Monday evenings during Lent I am  running a series of  learning sessions entitled ‘Conversations around The Lord's Prayer’ . Further details in the February Edition of ‘The Meeting of the Waters’*

The services this Sunday (‘Baptism of Christ’) are:
9.00 am - Parish Communion at Holy Trinity, Horsley
11.00 am  BCP Communion at St Cuthbert’s Elsdon
The bible readings are: Isaiah 43.1-7,  Acts 8.14-17 and Luke 3.15-17,21,22

Also, having taken a break during December our Taize Evening Prayer and Meditation service begins again at 6.00 pm (Sunday), in the church room at St John's Otterburn.  Taize worship has a very simple form and provides a time for singing, readings, quiet meditation and prayer. All welcome.

There will be a service of Communion at St John the Evangelist, Otterburn on Wednesday (13th)  at 10.00 am, followed by Communion at Rede House at 10.45 am

At St John’s Otterburn on Saturday afternoon (16th) at 4.00 pm there will be a wedding rehearsal for Dale Quincey and Emma Nicholson. We pray for them this week as they prepare for their marriage.

Next Sunday’s services  (17th January)  are:
9.00 am Parish Communion at St Francis, Byrness  and
11.00 am Parish Communion at St John’s Otterburn

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from 18th to 25th January. More than ever it is important for all the Christian denominations to stand, pray and work together against the evil in the world.

Best wishes

*The Lord's Prayer or Our Father has been used for 2000 years around the world by millions of people.  There probably isn't a moment, day or night, when there isn't someone on earth praying the Lord’s Prayer. There probably isn't a language on earth that doesn't contain a version of the Lord’s Prayer.  You can pray this prayer when you are full of joy. You can pray it in the ordinary days. It's used at baptism services and weddings. It's recited at sea; it comes to mind when faced with danger, or when other words won't come; it strengthens the dying and comforts the bereaved. It was once a secret prayer taught to those preparing for baptism into a persecuted faith but now is available for all. It is a political prayer, a healing prayer, a subversive prayer, a prayer of transformation.

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