Saturday, 22 April 2017

Newsletter 2017_13


CONTACT: Revd Peter Mander   01830 520212

Services and Events

Sunday 23rd April
9.00 am: Parish Communion, Holy Trinity Horsley
11.00 am: Mattins, St Cuthbert Elsdon

Bible Readings: Acts 2:14a-22-32, John 20:19-31

Wednesday 26th April
10.00 am: Holy Communion
with prayer and the laying on of hands for healing
St John the Evangelist Otterburn

Thursday 27th April
2.00 pm: Elsdon Annual Parochial Church Meeting
St Cuthbert’s Church

6.00 pm: Otterburn Annual Parochial Church Meeting
St John the Evangelist Church

Saturday 29th April

All are invited to
A Deanery Day
(including free buffet lunch)
9.30 am - 3.00 pm

The Rural Dean writes ‘we begin the day with tea and coffee then look at what is working well in our churches, what is seen as successful and could be done elsewhere. Afterwards we'll plan together for the times when Readers and clergy are not available to lead our services, and work out what a 'deanery' service might look like. After lunch there will be some time thinking about the changes the deanery faces and how we could shape things to work to our best advantage.

To end our day we'll worship together, perhaps using the 'deanery' service planned earlier in the day aiming to finish about 3.30pm

I hope and pray that this will be a day of celebrating what is going well and excitement about the future and we'd love you, and as many people from your church as you can bring, to join us”.

Sunday 30th APRIL
3.00 pm: Service of Celebration and Blessing of the Restored Organ at Holy Trinity Horsley
Music, readings and prayer.
With Bishop Christine

Parishioners of Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley and Byrness
who wish to receive communion on 30th April are welcome to join Mari and myself at the Holy Communion Service
at All Saints West Woodburn at 11.00 am

Otterburn St John’s “Pig Race”.
Getting ready for the final race.
Many thanks to all who helped make this such a successful evening of fellowship and fundraising.
(so far £429.00)
(If you are viewing this online click on the picture for video)
Last week’s mystery picture was taken in St Francis Churchyard Byrness.
Here is this week’s picture. Do you know where it is?

Bible Readings for next Sunday (30th April)
Acts 2:4a, 36-41
Luke 24:13-35
Future Dates

St John the Evangelist
Saturday 6th May, 10.30 am
Otterburn Memorial Hall

St Cuthbert
Saturday 13th May, 10.30 am
Elsdon Village Hall (to be confirmed)

Can you spare a few groceries
or other essential items for the Newcastle West End Foodbank?
The need is especially great at the moment
after the Christmas rush.
There is a box at the back of St John’s Otterburn where you can drop of items, which will be regularly collected.

To find out more about what is most needed and other ways in which you can help visit their website
by clicking the image below

Past editions of Redesdale Rites can be found
by clicking on the link below

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