Saturday, 17 December 2016

Newsletter 2016_46

The Church of England in
Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness
Christmas scene.jpg
(Creative Commons image by Rrori Imami on Flickr)

What’s On

Sunday 18th December
Isaiah 7.10-16:  The sign of Emmanuel
 Romans 1.1-7: The good news
Matthew 1.18-end: Jesus conceived by the Holy Spirit

9.00 am: Parish Communion, St Francis Byrness
11.00 am: Parish Communion, St John Otterburn

6.00 pm: Carols and Readings by candlelight,
St Cuthbert Elsdon

Wednesday 21st December
10.00 am: Holy Communion, St John the Evangelist Otterburn
10.45 am: Holy Communion, Rede House

Saturday 24th December

4.00 pm: Crib Service, St John the Evangelist Otterburn
(followed at 4.30 pm by Community carols around the Millennium Green Christmas Tree)
Christmas Crib.jpg

11.30 pm: ‘Midnight Mass’, St Cuthbert Elsdon

Sunday 25th December

Isaiah 52.7-10: The awakening of the Lord and Jerusalem
Hebrews 1.1- 4 (5-12): The greatness of the Son of God
John 1.1-14: The mystery of the Incarnation

9.00 am: Christmas Communion, Holy Trinity Horsley
10.00 am: Family Service,  St Francis Byrness
11.00 am: Family Communion, St John the Evangelist Otterburn
jesus birth.jpg

Wednesday 28th
10.00 am: Holy Communion with prayers for healing and peace, St John the Evangelist Otterburn



If you have a community event or service you would like publicising on Redesdale Rites please send me details, or a simple poster and I will include them on our new ‘Community Page’

Saturday 10th December 2016
Otterburn Wedding
Alex and Rachael Hrycaiczuk brave the confetti after their wedding at St John’s Church Otterburn

Thursday 8th December 2016
Christingle Service at St John’s Otterburn
with Otterburn First School
Explaining the meaning of Christingle

Otterburn School Children at Holy Trinity Horsley
School at Horsley.jpg

Monday 5th December 2016
Some of the pupils of Otterburn First School, along with others from Bellingham, Keilder, Greenhaugh, Wark, West Woodburn singing ‘Stops, Pipes, Pedals and Keys’, written by Fiona Lander, as part of the Horsley Organ Restoration Educational Project.

Plans for St Cuthbert’s Elsdon

Would you be interested in being part of a project to improve St Cuthbert’s Church Building and secure it for the future?
We are looking for volunteers to join a small group of people, supported by ‘Inspired North East’
and funded by The Heritage Lottery Fund,
to help develop and monitor the improvements
over the next few years.
More information from
Revd Peter Mander (01830 520 212)

Keith Maddison (01830 520538)

Beryl Charlton (01830 520537)

Archived editions of Redesdale Rites can be found
by clicking on the link below

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