Saturday, 5 November 2016

Newsletter 2016_40

The Church of England in
Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness

Weekly Bulletin

You are invited to
St Cuthbert’s Church, Elsdon
3pm on Sunday 6th November

November is a time of remembering
The Church sets aside a Sunday each year especially to remember those who have died. We call it ‘All Souls’ Day’

We invite you come along to join in with others to -

Remember those who have died  +  Listen to some readings and music
Offer a prayer  +  Spend some time in quiet reflection
Light a candle

Sunday 6th November

Third Sunday Before Advent
Readings: Job 19.23-27a - Faith at its height
2 Thessalonians 2.1-5,13 end,  - The coming of the Lord
Luke 20.27-38 - The Resurrection of the Lord

9.00 am: Parish Communion, St Francis Byrness

11.00 am: Parish Communion, St John the Evangelist Otterburn

3.00 pm: All Souls Service - St Cuthbert Elsdon
to remember those who have died over the past year

Let’s Talk About the Bible
4 guided conversations

Monday evenings in November, starting on 7th
7.30pm at Otterburn Vicarage.

7th November: What is the Bible?
14th November: The Old Testament,
21st November: The New Testament
28th November: Ways of reading

All welcome. (No degree in biblical studies needed!)

We will finish at 9.00pm at the latest!

Wednesday 9th November
10.00 am: Holy Communion, St John the Evangelist Otterburn

Thursday 10th November
2.00 pm: Elsdon St Cuthbert PCC meeting, Holly Lodge, Elsdon

Friday 11th November
7.30 pm: Redesdale Society, Otterburn Memorial Hall
Bygone Coquetdale - a film and commentary

Sunday 13th November

10.30 am: A Service of Remembrance

St John the Evangelist Otterburn

Sunday 13th November
10.30 am: A Service of Remembrance,
St John the Evangelist Otterburn

6.00 pm: Taize evening prayer and meditation

Saturday 26th November
10.30 am - 12.00 noon
St Cuthbert’s Christmas Coffee Morning
Elsdon Village Hall
If you would like to set up a stall please contact churchwardens Beryl Charlton 01830 520537 or Keith Maddison 01830 520538
There will also be a display of the plans for the proposed developments of St Cuthbert’s Church

Archived editions of Redesdale Rites can be found
by clicking on the link below

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