Saturday, 22 October 2016

Newsletter 2016_38

The Church of England in
Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness

Weekly Bulletin

Sunday 23rd October

9.00 am: Parish Community, Holy Trinity Horsley

11.00 am: Matins (BCP) St Cuthbert Elsdon

Wednesday 26th October

10.00 am: Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing,
St John’s Otterburn

10.45 am: Holy Communion at Rede House, Otterburn

2.45 pm: Funeral Service for Molly Brookbanks
at West Road Crematorium

Friday 28th October

1.30 pm: Funeral Service for Joan Miller
at West Road Crematorium (Family only)
3.00 pm: Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Joan Miller
at St Cuthbert’s Elsdon

Sunday 30th October - ALL SAINTS DAY

11.00 am: Group Service at Holy Trinity Horsley
A Northumbrian-Taize Communion

This Communion liturgy is inspired by the story of Saint Brendan, a saint who made a physical journey out into the vast wilderness of the ocean with a small boat and a simple prayer. ‘Christ of the mysteries, can I trust you on the sea?’ As Brendan and his companions battled with wave and tide, answering their call to risky living, Brendan explored a deep and challenging inner journey and discovered a profound truth: no matter how foreign a place or situation was, he was always ‘at home’ because he had his home in Christ. As we share bread and wine together may we know something more of this home that we share.

Future dates
Sunday 6th November
3.00 pm: All Soul’s Service
light a candle for those who have died during the past year
St Cuthbert, Elsdon

Sunday 13th November

10.30 am: A Service of Remembrance

St John the Evangelist Otterburn

Archived editions of Redesdale Rites can be found
by clicking on the link below

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