Saturday, 30 July 2016

Newsletter 2016_27

The Church of England in
Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness

Sunday 31st July 2016

Sunday Service

11.00 am: Group Service at St Cuthbert’s Elsdon.

-A Taize Style Communion-

All Welcome to this simple contemporary service

Tuesday 2nd August

The restored pipe organ parts are arriving back at Holy Trinity, Horsley. You are welcome to come along and view what is happening from 2 or 3 August onwards as the FPO workforce puts it all together again. “There won't be a wow factor with the initial pieces, but when the big pipes appear towards mid-August, things will start to liven up!”

Wednesday 3rd August

10.00 am: Holy Communion, St John the Evangelist, Otterburn

2.00 pm and 3.00 pm: Home Communions,
Otterburn and Elsdon

Thursday 4th August

6.00 pm: Elsdon PCC, St Cuthbert’s Church

Friday 5th August

12.30 pm: Memorial Service for Brian Rogerson

at St John the Evangelist, Otterburn.

This follows on from a service of Cremation at Cowpen Crematorium earlier in the day. We offer our condolences and prayers to Brian’s family at this time.


Friday 5th August

7.00pm  - 10.30pm  Bar and Bands

Saturday 6th August

12.00 noon - 11.00 pm
Music, Workshops, Kids’ Activities, Stalls

Tickets: £6.00 Adult  -  £15.00 Family

Find full details at:

Sunday 7th August

9.00 am: Parish Communion, St Francis, Byrness.

11.00 am: Parish Communion, St John, Otterburn

Wednesday 10th August

10.00 am: Holy Communion, St John the Evangelist, Otterburn


Elsdon Village Fete
(St Bartholomew Fair)
Monday 29th August
12 noon - 4.00 pm

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