Saturday, 25 June 2016

Newsletter 2016_22

Redesdale Rites
The Church of England in Elsdon, Otterburn, Horsley & Byrness

Sunday 26th June 2016

A prayer issued by the Church of England following the referendum
“Eternal God, light of the nations, in Christ you make all things new.
guide our nation through the coming days by the inspiration of your Spirit, that understanding may put an end to all discord and bitterness.
Give us grace to rebuild bonds of trust that together we may work for the dignity and flourishing of all. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
(see also letter from the Bishop of Newcastle at the bottom of page)


John Casken conducts the Coquetdale Chamber Choir at their concert ‘Landscape and Nature in Music’ at St Cuthbert’s Elsdon, Friday 24th June, to launch the flower festival.

Sunday Services (Trinity 5)

“For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment,
‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (Galatians 5.14)

9.00 am: Parish Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Horsley

6.00 pm: Songs of Praise, St Cuthbert, Elsdon
(to conclude the Flower Festival).

Wednesday 29th June

10.00 am: Holy Communion, St John the Evangelist, Otterburn

11.00am : Burial of Ashes of Elizabeth Elsie Claringbold, St John Otterburn

6.00 pm: “A short pilgrimage to Rome”
A slide show of a recent visit to Rome by ‘a Catholic, and Anglican, and someone with a foot in both camps’, St Peter’s Church, Otterburn.
All welcome

Thursday 30th June

11.00 am: Funeral and Burial of Norman Murray, St John’s Church Otterburn.

Saturday 2nd July

11.00 am - 2.00 pm: Otterburn School Fair
-Raffle, Tombola, Bottles, Home bakes -
All welcome

Sunday 3rd July

9.00 am: Parish Eucharist,St Francis, Byrness

11.00 am: Parish Eucharist, St John the Evangelist, Otterburn
6.00 pm:Choral Evensong to remember local men who died at the battle of the Somme, St Cuthbert, Bellingham

Date for your Diary

'Beyond the Birdbath' - talks in Franciscan Spirituality by Br John SSF

Br John SSF
‘Beyond the Birdbath - explorations in Franciscan Spirituality'
Two talks in Franciscan Spirituality by Br John SSF
Guardian of Alnmouth Friary
St Francis' Church, Byrness (on the A68 between Rochester and Carter Bar)
St Francis, Byrness
Thursday 7th July at 7.30pm:
'Listening to your world - the call and response of Francis and Clare'.

Thursday 25th August at 7.30pm
'Living on the edge - contemporary Franciscan spirituality'.

After the talks the bar at ‘The Byrness’ hotel (across the road) will be open for drinks and continuing conversation.

From the Bishop of Newcastle
The Rt Revd Christine Hardman
“The referendum vote on Thursday was a moment of great significance in our region, country and in Europe.  Whichever way the vote had gone, it always had the potential to be divisive as it was clear that there would be no overwhelming majority on one side of the debate or the other.  This means that nearly half the people who voted will be disappointed and very concerned about the future.

As members of the Body of Christ we are to teach and live out the call to love our neighbour, to work for justice and peace, and to welcome the stranger.  Above all, we are called to live out the truth that in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the world to come breaks through into this world. I have a deep hope and faith in the power of Christ to transform us and our world.

Whichever way we campaigned or voted, our call as Christians is now clear.  We are not to lose heart.  We are to maintain hope and work for reconciliation not division in our country.  There is an urgent and profound need in our national life for us to preach and to live the reality of the stature and dignity of every human being as a son or daughter of God.  The task is now for us to unite, to build a generous, outward-looking, and welcoming country.  The call is to build bridges not divisions.”

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