Sunday 11th June
(Trinity Sunday)
9.00 am: Parish Communion, Holy Trinity Horsley
11.00 am: BCP Communion, St Cuthbert Elsdon
6.00 pm: Taize Prayers and Meditation,
St John Otterburn
Monday 12th June
6.30 pm: Otterburn PCC, St John’s Church Room
Wednesday 14th June
10.00 am: Holy Communion, St John the Evangelist Otterburn
2.00 pm: Inspired Futures Meeting, St Cuthbert’s Elsdon
Thursday 15th June
2.30 pm: Thanksgiving Service for Michael Thompson,
St John the Evangelist Otterburn
7.00 pm: Elsdon Parish Council Elsdon Village Hall
Friday 16th June
7.00 pm: ‘Death at Wolf’s Nick’ book launch
Otterburn Memorial Hall
Author Diane Janes will officially launch her new book about the mysterious death of Evelyn Foster in 1931, and the subsequent investigation. Diane has been given unprecedented access to the relevant police files, and has pieced together much of what was happening in Otterburn (and, indeed, Elsdon) on that fateful night. The event is free, so come along and meet the author, hear more about the book and enjoy a glass of wine. Copies of the book will be on sale courtesy of Forum Books of Corbridge.
Saturday 17 June
BBC renowned
'Ten Pieces for Organ'
Holy Trinity Church, Horsley
“To celebrate the return of our newly-restored Nelson pipe organ, BBC renowned Gillian Ward Russell will travel from Essex to Horsley Church to play for us in a free, family-friendly concert. Gillian will play ten specially chosen pieces, giving fascinating and lighthearted introductions. The concert will last about an hour.”
and you are invited to stay for some light refreshments afterwards.
Sunday 18th June
(Trinity 1)
9.00 am: Parish Communion, St Francis Byrness
11.00 am: Holy Communion with baptism of Henry George Henderson, St John the Evangelist Otterburn
12.00 noon: Elsdon Big Lunch on the Green
This week’s mystery picture
Any information gratefully received ….
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